Tag Archive for Boswell Book Company

TERMINUS preview at Boswell Book Co.

Gigante at Boswell Books
Tomorrow, April 21 at 7:00pm*

Come hear about the Irish contemporary theater scene
and kick-ass playwright Mark O’Rowe from dramaturg and critic Paul Kosidowski

Hear about the play TERMINUS from Isabelle & Mark

Get a preview of the fabulous script
from the cast
Megan Kaminsky, Tom Reed, and Isabelle Kralj


May 1-16

Kenilworth 508 Theater

*copies of Terminus will be available for purchase at Boswell Books!

Boswell Book Company
2559 N. Downer Avenue
on Milwaukee’s Glamorous East Side

For tickets, go to giganteterminus.brownpapertickets.com
or call

Theatre Gigante + Christopher Moore

Gigante opens for Christopher Moore
at Boswell Books, Thursday May 1


Theatre Gigante, presently in rehearsal for Midsummer in Midwinter, is stepping off to the side for a minute to perform an excerpt from Christopher Moore’s new novel, The Serpent of Venice, at Boswell Books this Thursday, May 1, at 6:45pm.

Follow this link for more information on Christopher Moore’s appearance.

Equally inspired by Shakespeare, Gigante is a little over a week away from premiering Midsummer in Midwinter, May 9 – 17 at Kenilworth’s Studio 508 theater, at 7:30pm.