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Theatre Gigante is a non-profit performance arts organization and, as such, is supported by the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts, Milwaukee Arts Board, CAMPAC, and by the generous support of other foundations, corporations, and private donations, including UPAF, of which Theatre Gigante is an Affiliate Member.

The Story Behind O.O.T.

ed's collection of gore


Last year while working on ISADORA & NIJINSKY, we asked Ed Burgess if he’d like to create a full-length piece for Theatre Gigante’s 2011-12 season. He said yes, and as time went on, he would occasionally tell us his evolving ideas for the show. His latest idea had been to create something about Gore Vidal, one of Ed’s favorite thinkers/writers (later, Janet Lilly gave us Ed’s collection of over 20 books by Vidal). Ed died just three days after we closed ISADORA & NIJINSKY.
The 2011-12 season began with SHADES OF GRAY, our homage to Spalding Gray, and in the aftermath of the loss of Ed, we needed to come up with a show for the second half of the season. Among Spalding’s great stories is the tale of a particularly memorable evening playing the Stage Manager in Thornton Wilder’s OUR TOWN, during Act 3, which is set in the local cemetery.
Remembering OUR TOWN, Act 3, and thinking about our dear Ed, we had the idea to create a new show, inspired by Wilder, and very much dedicated to Ed. In O.O.T., we celebrate the challenges and joys of life, and give a nod to both Thornton and Ed.
And we didn’t notice, until recently, that our opening night is the first anniversary of Ed’s death.